Comparing Mobile App Design Companies

Looking for a mobile app design company? There are many options out there. Ingic is one of the best. They focus on developing businesses through digital marketing solutions. Their team possesses advanced technological knowledge, marketing expertise, and powerful imagination. This combination allows them to create highly engaging experiences that are tailored to the business’ needs.… Read More Comparing Mobile App Design Companies

How to Use React JS for Blockchain Development

The ReactJS library was originally created by Facebook developers to solve code maintenance issues. Its developers have also created excellent documentation for the React framework. ReactJS is based on HTML, which is the main structure of web pages. Browsers create a Document Object Model (DOM) from HTML elements. Its virtualization helps the code run quickly… Read More How to Use React JS for Blockchain Development

React JS Development – A Beginner’s Guide to Blockchain Development

When writing React applications, it’s important to remember that the presentation component should never implement application logic. While it is OK to implement user interaction and send user input to other components, you should not call the parent API directly. Instead, give the child a reference to the parent function and it will invoke that… Read More React JS Development – A Beginner’s Guide to Blockchain Development